Challenger Exploratorium

kids on gyroscopic trainer

The Challenger Exploratorium is as impressive and engaging as the planetarium. Current and Ongoing Exhibits are distributed and displayed on the six floors of the Challenger Exploratium building.

Current Exhibits are displayed on the first and second floors. These are exhibits borrowed for a limited time (2-3 mos.) from National Space Centers such as the Smithsonian, Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, and Space Center Houston at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX.

Stationary Ongoing Exhibits are displayed on the third and fourth floors. These include:

Ongoing Interactive Exhibits are displayed on the 5th and 6th floors. These exhibits include:

Reference Sources

Morris, N. (2012). What does space exploration do for us? Chicago: Raintree.
Tocci, S. (2003). NASA. New York: Watt’s Library.
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